Tuesday 11 December 2007

Carrington Post Office to Close - the fight continues

It is with great frustration that I must today announce that Carrington Post Office is still up for closure.

The many residents of Carrington, Mapperley Park, Sherwood Rise and the Arboretum that have fought long and hard during the so-called 'public consultation' strongly believe that the closure of this Post Office does not meet the Government's minimum access criteria nor does the closure of this popular and profitable post office serve the overall aim of creating a sustainable network.

Thus far, there has been no response from Post Office Ltd to any of the issues raised nor the questions asked of them. The definition of a 'consultation' is an 'exchange of views' or a 'discussion' yet so far this has not happened.

We do not intend to stop fighting
- in fact, if anything this news has merely strengthened our belief that the public consultation was simply a political exercise, and our resolve that we will not give up!

We aim to pursue three main courses of action:
1. to bring about a meeting between Post Office Ltd and the local community to have a genuine public consultation
2. to hold a meeting with the relevant local councillors and John Heppell, MP to discuss how their influence may best be put to use - Beech Avenue [2 years ago] and Melton Road appear to have been saved through the direct actions of their local MPs and councillors
3. to pursue legal avenues

For anyone that wishes to help, please get in touch with bekianderson@yahoo.co.uk.

Monday 3 December 2007

Decision time

Well, after several delays, the latest is that we should have a public announcement of a decision on Tuesday 11 December.

Apparently, although I haven't been able to confirm this, there are two POs in Derbyshire that have been saved. This is good news for us in that it shows that Post Office Ltd are willing to overturn the decision on some branches, and we wish to extend our congratulations to those branches.

Lets keep our fingers crossed for Carrington!

Annndd, also keep Fri 21 Dec free in your diary as we have provisionally booked this day as a celebratory [or perhaps commiseratory, but lets stay optimisitic!] party upstairs at the Gladstone. If you are able to come along please let me know so I can inform them of numbers...and also please let me know if you can bring along some food?